The history of Bags, Handbags, and Small Leather Goods ─ Bags
Japanese bags born with the Meiji Restoration
The current bag model appeared in the 18th century
If we stipulate that a bag is simply carrying something in it, its history will be as long as human history. In Japan until the Edo period, the items that played the role of bag were the armor box in which the armor of the warrior was put, the medicinal shell used by the doctor, and the wicker trunk used when traveling.
It is said that the shape close to the current bag appeared in Europe in the 18th century. After that, the production of the bag gradually expanded, and in the middle of the 19th century, the bag craftsmen of the royal family and aristocrats became independent one after another.
The first bag production in Japan (various theories)
The middle of the 19th century was the period between the Bakumatsu period (end of Edo period) and the Meiji Restoration in Japan. After the national isolation, books from overseas came in one after another, and the bag was one of them.
According to one theory, one of the first bags in Japan was created by a craftsman of a harness who imitated a bag that had been asked to be repaired by a foreigner.
There is also the theory that it was the first time that it was made with reference to the bag that was brought back from France.
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